Students of the Machilly primary school discovering the world

Goal, The School, The Students , French version


Our goal is to share our travel wih everybody who wants to : our family and friends via our website, but also the children.
Students of the Machilly school were very curious. So we decided to send them news. We will also go and meet teachers from the countries we will visit and if possible, they will star an exchange with the frenc students.

This project will last two years. (Années scolaires : 2003-2005) We hope this will enable the children to have a more realistic view of the way of life of children from other countries. Our emails will also be an opportunity for the teachers to present relevant topics to the students.


The Students

They are 17 : 9 boys and 8 girls, between 7 and 8 years old.

Number of family members: 4 or 5.

10 of them have their own bedroom.

Favorite meal : pizza

Pets: dogs (10), cats (10), rabbits (2), hamsters (3), turtles (3), fish (3)

Equipment at home: TV ( 17), radio ( 17), computer (14)

Favorite TV show : A prendre ou à laisser, Vidéogag, Ca cartoon.

Favorite carton: Tom et Jerry, Titeuf, Gasper, Titi et Gros Minet

Site Titeuf

Tom et Jerry


Favorite study: Drawing (10), Mathematics (11), Sciences (11), Music (9), French (5)


Sport: riding, football

Activities during the WE : ski, walking, cinema

Other activities : gymnastique, riding, football

Holidays : on the see, at the swimming pool

Play at home: playstation, gameboy, bycicle, la bonne paie, computer

Play at schol: football, chat perché

Favorite book or story: Harry Potter (7) Titeuf (8), Boule et Bill (5), Plume, Astérix et Obélix (5)

Singer: Lorie, Johnny Halliday, Garou

Harry Potter Harry Potter

Site Titeuf

Site Boule et Bill


The School



Machilly is located near Les Voirons. Its 874 inhabitants are loving around a famou small lake. The top of the village is the starting points of several walks in the mountains "Les Voirons".

Before « Capital » of the strawberry, only 4 farms are still activ. On 429 workers, 197 cross the nearby swiss border every day.


Région d'Annemasse

Site de la commune


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